

※Please note that you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.You had best take up your dragonsung tool right away if you are to present Denys with enough supplies for his goblin team. At your indication that you are braced for the trials ahead, Nimie divulges a few additional details as to what will be expected of you─most harrowingly, that a significant quantity of coating is required for your tool, and that you must provide no small number of materials accordingly.


Nimie is eager to get to work on your dragonsung tool.FSH: With Dragonsung Fishing Rod in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 6 Fisher's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.Additionally deliver 180 Oddly Specific Landborne Aethersand.MIN: With Dragonsung Pickaxe in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 50 Miner's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.Additionally deliver 180 Oddly Specific Leafborne Aethersand.BTN: With Dragonsung Hatchet in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 50 Botanist's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.CUL: With Dragonsung Frypan in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Culinarian's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.ALC: With Dragonsung Alembic in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Alchemist's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.WVR: With Dragonsung Needle in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Weaver's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.LTW: With Dragonsung Round Knife in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Leatherworker's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.GSM: With Dragonsung Lapidary Hammer in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Goldsmith's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.ARM: With Dragonsung Raising Hammer in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Armorer's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.


  • BSM: With Dragonsung Cross-pein Hammer in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Blacksmith's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.
  • Skyward

    CRP: With Dragonsung Saw in your inventory or Armoury Chest, deliver 90 Carpenter's Gobbiegoo to Nimie.Walkthrough Main article: Augmented Dragonsung Tools Steps
